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Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
1546 W. 87th Street, Chicago, IL 60620
"The Church With A Mission"
Hello and thank you for visiting the website of Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, "The Church with a Mission" located in Chicago, Illinois.
If you reside in another city, state, or country other than where our church is located, we pray that this site will allow you to gain basic information about our church and ministry.
If you live in the Chicago area, please feel free to come and share in one of our worship experiences, and make yourself known to us. This website gives you a window into our church and ministry, but it's even better when you come and see for yourself. No doubt, you will recieve a warm Christian welcome.
We look forward to sharing with you.
Pastor Nathan L. Schaffer Jr.
"The Pastor with a Shepherd's Heart"
Dr. Nathan L. Schaffer, Jr., Pastor
Dr. James P. Tillman, Sr., Organizer
"The Whole Bible For The Whole Church"
"To See God More Clearly
To Love God More Dearly
To Follow God More Nearly
Day By Day"
A Message from the Heart of the Shepherd
I preached a sermon some time ago, and the Holy Spirit has lead me to expound on it again. Everything on which we depend is a resource; but remember, God is the true source of everything.
As the young people say “Don’t get it twisted”. Money is a resource, but God, if you look at it right, is the source from whom all blessings flow.
Psalm 121:2 clearly states, “My help comes from the Lord...” Put your trust in the source (God) and He will show you, through the Holy Spirit, the resources that will flow to you. While thanking God for your resources, never forget to thank and praise God, who is the source of everything.
With A Shepherd’s Heart,
Pastor Nathan L. Schaffer, Jr.

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